
CONDITION, what is it really?

CONDITION, what is it really?

We clearly see here that the increased efforts (tgv stress and adrenaline)lead to higher corticosterol levels, which in turn improve the ability to perform by producing energy carriers.

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"Warm bed"

"Warm bed"

The close bond between man and pigeon US President Ronald Reagan once said:"One of the most beautiful moments a person can experience is coming home and knowing that someone is waiting behind the door who is very happy to see you". During a film shoot at Willem's, I spoke to his caretaker, Wybren Vreeling. His testimony about the level of discipline, or rather the unseen ferocity and determination with which the pigeons came home, has stayed with me ever since. Above all and for all, they wanted to be 'home'. Apart from physical ability, there must also be a desire.  "Homing pigeon" literally...

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The story behind World Champion Guido Kempeneers

The story behind World Champion Guido Kempeneers

Wondering how National, European and World Champion Guido Kempeneers cares for his birds. Be sure to check out his story in the videos below.

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