
The plumage from a different point of view

The plumage from a different point of view

We need to reflect on these turbulent times, where the climate is running wild in addition to viruses and war. Global warming - well, it almost sounds banal - and the constant and relentless record-breaking heat waves yearly keep me awake. It is hoped that we are not heading for a turning point where much-needed measures that have long been envisaged will, if taken, be too late and no longer benefit.

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De bijnier

De bijnier

Vorige blog gingen we uitvoerig in op een aantal vitale klieren , o.m. de hypofyse, de hypothalamus, de schildklier en de bij-schildklier. Om dit boeiende thema af te sluiten moeten we volledigheidshalve nog de bijnier belichten ….

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The pigeon is an amazing flying machine

The pigeon is an amazing flying machine

A racing bird is an incredible flying machine; high performance and no comparison to us humans. There are 3 energy sources.

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