"لقد بدأت الموسم الماضي مع ميوبول. تم تخصيب البيض بنسبة 98%، وبدأت الصغار الآن في الفقس دون أي مشاكل. بقدر ما يهمني، يوصى بهذا بشدة!"

جي فان مول (BE)، مربي الحمام


COMED is sustainable in a turbulent world.

COMED is sustainable in a turbulent world.

Heat records are being broken all the time. Our weather is breaking historical records year after year, and too many world leaders are allowing it to happen. Our pigeon sport has its concerns, which deserves all attention.
The importance of oils.

The importance of oils.

Because the pigeon has a completely different respiratory and metabolic system compared to humans, it can achieve phenomenal performances. If humans, for example, consume too many fats, they become fat. A pigeon, on the other hand, needs fats as fuel for hours of flying performance. Why is that exactly?
Antibiotic ban.

Antibiotic ban.

If there is to be an antibiotic-free pigeon sport, the racing pigeon will undoubtedly be the most robust bird in the world, 
and that is a beautiful challenge!
COMED is sustainable in a turbulent world.

COMED is sustainable in a turbulent world.

Heat records are being broken all the time. Our weather is breaking historical records year after year, and too many world leaders are allowing it to happen. Our pigeon sport has its concerns, which deserves all attention.
The importance of oils.

The importance of oils.

Because the pigeon has a completely different respiratory and metabolic system compared to humans, it can achieve phenomenal performances. If humans, for example, consume too many fats, they become fat. A pigeon, on the other hand, needs fats as fuel for hours of flying performance. Why is that exactly?
Antibiotic ban.

Antibiotic ban.

If there is to be an antibiotic-free pigeon sport, the racing pigeon will undoubtedly be the most robust bird in the world, 
and that is a beautiful challenge!