Intestinal guerrilla: Salmonella
Salmonella is a major threat during cultivation.
A quarter
of the birds in the world are infected with Salmonella; in Belgium, more than
28%. Once the
contaminated birds have recovered, they become carriers and will intermittently
release germs.
owners of healthy aviaries (without fertility problems) should be careful when
purchasing new ones (quarantine required). Wild birds are also a source of
with Salmonella occurs via the droppings. The germ enters the bloodstream
(septicemia) and then into the organs. The liver, spleen, and kidneys swell,
and the lungs and intestines become nodules.
tends to multiply in the testes and ovaries, where the eggs may become
contaminated. This contamination often occurs during the egg's descent through
the fallopian tubes and in the nests during breeding by parent carriers.
Salmonella germ can penetrate through the eggshell, with minor accidental
damages or due to too intense cleaning of the eggs. Salmonella then multiplies
in the egg( yolk), causing the embryo to become infected and often die.
Rats and
mice are efficient spreaders, with transport taking place via the down and the
dust on the droppings. Flies, lice, ticks and cockroaches also contribute to
the spread.
takes advantage of the reproductive cycle (one month on average) of the fly
(which eats the manure) to spread the infection up to 5 km in the environment.
Let's not forget that Salmonella (and E. Coli) can occasionally infect humans...
Figure 1 Salmonella
Figure 2 Salmonella on the left and E. Coli on
the right adhering to a biofilm in a lab environment.
See also Clean Oral and Clean Foam.
A healthy intestinal flora that is sufficiently acidic (Roni) can naturally prevent the development and colonisation of Salmonella in the intestine.
So it is best to
act decisively and eliminate the losers without mercy according to Darwin's law
of "survival of the fittest".
infected birds should also be banned from the shows).
In this
exceptionally complex microbiological environment, invisible to the naked eye,
Salmonella has established itself over millions of years as the Mafia of germs.
It efficiently takes advantage of all possible biological mechanisms to colonise
our aviaries persistently.
By permanently feeding Stopmite - which makes the feed taste nasty to
flies - Comed indirectly forms a major alliance against this Salmonella
- Therefore, Stopmite naturally intervenes in most parasite-infection
channels by keeping the entire aviary clean and supporting the immune system.
Clean Foam can help against the sticking of
Salmonella in the aviaries (see figure 2); Clean Oral ensures repression of faecal Salmonella
(from the manure) in the drinking bowls etc., by the colonisation of benign
the supremacy of an excellent microbial ecosystem is a constant struggle, which
is precisely why Comed recommends the daily and permanent use of these
excellent biological agents during the breeding and exhibition periods to
prevent gaps in the defence.
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