The right of the strongest.
No one could escape the coronavirus that dominated our daily lives for two to three years. It could still lead to surprises all over the world. No matter how resilient, the economy has been seriously unbalanced, and the long-term consequences are still not clear. The war in Eastern Europe is being unleashed with unprecedented economic sanctions to make the aggressor change his mind. The immense human suffering is shocking. Whatever the outcome of these sledgehammer blows to the world economy, the date 24/2 will mark our daily lives for a long time to come.
Inflation is rising
Indeed, inflation, which had already started with increased energy prices, is swelling with more demand than supply. It is the well-known spiral in which prices and wages leapfrog for both essential and non-essential expenditure.
Fortunately for families, Belgium is still one of the only countries in Europe where wages are automatically linked to the price index. The employer has to cope with these wage increases and has no choice but to pass these costs on to the final consumer. Wage increases are negotiated in a collective agreement (CLA) between employers and employees in most other countries.
In China, there is also absolute zero tolerance for COVID-19, which means that ports can go into lockdown for several weeks at any time. It would mean that scarce but essential goods such as chips could not be shipped to customers in time, further increasing prices. Like any crisis, we will certainly be able to learn lessons afterwards that will benefit Europe's future. But first, there will be a valley of after-effects and recovery.
How do we get out of here?
Adequate managers to lead us out of this have yet to be found. Usually, these are highly educated CEOs with impressive titles from academies and credentials (such as the famous Vlerick school).
The best managers of a country are also our good housewives. They always manage to make ends meet with a fair family distribution of the joys and burdens. Therefore, we are convinced that they will handle the consequences of a financial crisis as always. Pigeon racing will undoubtedly weigh on the family's finances.
Nature awakens
In the morning, birds are whistling profusely again. It goes on throughout the breeding season until the longest day of the year. Nature is awakening, offspring are being cared for, and territories are being marked out. They need this territory to collect food for their upcoming offspring. Everything in biological life is about the domain.
The dead and the living
When breeding starts, the hormone levels that stimulate dominance and fertility rise. It is a well-known annual ritual. The so-called urge for territory is reflected in everything: the battle for the shelf, the stick, or the widowers' boxes. In every creature, this urge to conquer territory is associated with survival and the continuation of its genes.
We are therefore talking about a severe matter. This urge keeps the whole living, biological world running. The minerals are the dead base of the territory: the earth, the air and the fire. These elements cannot multiply themselves and are therefore static.
The last of the biological life forms are micro-organisms. The viruses (Herpes, Rota, Circovirus) are open to philosophical debate: whether they are alive since they are just a piece of chemistry (DNA) that can reproduce like the cuckoo in a host cell. The bacteria (microbes such as E. Coli, Salmonella) and the single-celled protozoa (Coccidiosis, Trichomonads) are the first steps toward higher biological forms. It is a fascinating story but would lead us too far.
Consider the algae that populate the oceans in staggering numbers and practice photosynthesis. As plankton, they are an important source of food for fish and, at the same time, they ensure the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Us mammals, the higher species of the animal world, also originate from the ocean. The entire biological world consists of a dynamic interaction between the dead and the living.
The Primal Game
It brings us back to the primal game, with its simple rule:
"The survival of the fittest"
It became Comed's parole and our season's schedules. From now on, they can be applied in their entirety again. In addition to the regular products from the programs, we would like to draw attention to a special supplement: Tempo 60.
Tempo 60
Tempo 60 sharpens the described urge for territory with temperament, grit and dominance. It is the impetus to take up the first challenge of life. We need to get the above primary elements of earth, air and fire right in our heads to be able to read a pigeon. Tempo 60 also ensures that the pigeons train much more after a few days to build up their condition quickly and be more vital for the considerable upcoming work. Therefore, the Comed schemes are entirely in line with the brutality of these natural laws.
Nasocur is also important in connection with the territory. It is a powerful nose drop to keep the upper respiratory tract clear. It contains aromatic substances that soothe the mucous membranes. Due to its particular composition, the liquid lingers in the nasal and pharyngeal cavities for a long time.
The minor wounds that can occur due to the basket pressure (sitting close together during transport in combination with territoriality) are immediately softened.Closely sitting together is the opposite of the primal urge to have a territory. Therefore, it is essential to apply Nasocur when basketing and after inspection, immediately upon returning home. The product may also be used around the eyes. Ideally, it would be best to combine this treatment with Lisocur eye drops.