我們的產品是多年鳥類學(鳥類科學)研究和經驗的結果。我們根據已證實的事實不斷改進我們的產品,這有助於增强動物的自然抵抗力。創始人兼工業藥劑師 Jean-Louis Jorissen 開發了COMED Methode基於電阻選擇的原則。 多虧了自然的支持,我們一起把你們的動物帶到頂峰。繼查爾斯·達爾文之後的“適者生存”創造了你的冠軍。發現我們的產品。
Roni is a complete supplement for racing pigeons. It improves gut health, supports the immune system, enhances nutrient absorption, and combats oxidative stress. It boosts performance, recovery, and overall vitality.
As a dedicated dog lover, you want nothing more than to optimize the well-being of your pet. A crucial aspect of this is maintaining a healthy gut flora. This is where Probiotic Bites come into play—a thoughtful addition to your dog's diet that offers numerous health benefits.
A core for healthy birds and successful breeding is formed by these four products: Lisocur +, Miobol, Roni, and Stopmite work together harmoniously, yielding rapid results. This synergistic approach significantly improves breeding outcomes and enhances bird health during this critical period. Additionally, Fertibol can be added as an extra calcium source.