De wissel van de pluimen is een ongemakkelijke periode voor uw vogels. Extra energie en de juiste hulpstoffen zijn nodig om de nieuwe pluimen te ontplooien.
Birds Moulting
Winmix is in itself a complete moulting care. It is a total supplement of almost 40 ingredients, needed daily according to the latest scientific guidelines. In addition, it contains vegetal substances that play an important role in the defence energy during moulting when our birds suffer significant heat loss.
May I combine the products from two periods?
Yes, keep in mind that if you combine Lisocur+ and Winmix (recommended together with Curol in the breeding period) that you administer just half a dose of each.
Apart from these basic products, is there anything else that makes sense?
That's right, Roni. This is useful both during moulting (rich in protein and lime). These two are very necessary nutrients, however, have the disadvantage of neutralizing the protecting intestinal acid against germs. In other words, through feeding what's needed, we're opening the door to infections at the same time.
Roni is a very useful water-soluble supplement in that respect. It ensures that the intestine retains the acid always on site by means of 4 probiotic germs, so that the disadvantages of sport and breeding mixture, as well as the grit, are abolished. (it is better to give a lower dose daily, e.g. 1/3, instead of twice a week).
What else is possible ?
We also recommend administering Miobol during moulting, which ensures the great need for heat energy that is now crucial when changing the plumage.
Miobol is also a very good recovery product after a stressful breeding and exhibition period. So Winmix , Curol, Roni and Miobol are a perfect basic system during moulting.
Murium contains specific nutrients that are especially important during moulting. Murium can also be fed to young birds for a good development of the plumage.
Most fanciers prefer to disperse all products, except Clean Oral, over the eggfood. If desired, Lisocur+ and Roni can be added to the drinking water.
It is recommended to administer the indicated dosage on the packaging, permanently. It is better to take half a dose daily instead of every 2 days. During the resting and transitional periods, these supplements can also be administered at half dosage.