The functioning of glands
1. The PITUITARY gland is involved in many essential processes as a significant game-changer.
* The anterior secretes hormones to regulate the:
• Growth (STH somatotropic hormone).
• Production of ova and sperm cells(FSH follicle-stimulating hormone).
• Stimulation of male and female steroid hormones (LH luteinising hormone).
• Thyroid gland (TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone (*)).
• Corticoid production (ACTH adrenocortical hormone: type of cortisone with behavioural characteristics).
• Crop milk production and breeding behaviour (PRL prolactin).
* The posterior regulates the production of:
• Oxytocin: regulates blood pressure, increases sugars and amino acids (protein building) in the blood and causes the contraction of the Fallopian tubes (descending egg).
and of
• Vasopressin: controls loss of fluid through the kidneys (anti diuresis).
It may also induce severe contractions of the Fallopian tubes.
Both hormones play an essential role in the sexual behaviour of the cocks.
2. The HYPOTHALAMUS or pineal gland is very small and responsible for adjusting to dark and light (day and night); little is known about it.
3. Let us have a closer look at the THYROID and PARATHYROID GLANDS (*)
The thyroid gland is a pair twofold at the top left and right of the trachea.
Thyroid function is influenced by environmental factors, temperature, amount of light, stress, etc.
This gland must have enough iodine (deficiency causes swelling or hypertrophy!) to convert the amino acid tyrosine (via the intermediate steps mono- and di-iodothyronine) to tri-iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), the latter being the specific thyroid hormone.
Only these last two substances (which keep each other in balance) are secreted into the blood by the thyroid gland, peaking at around 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Ultimately, the T4 is responsible for the growth and the metabolism, the development of the reproductive organs in the hen. In a pronounced way, it increases oxygen consumption in the heart muscle and all oxygen-consuming processes.
When too much of this hormone, body tissues are degraded (catabolism).
An excess of iodine causes sluggishness of the thyroid gland with liver swelling due to sugar accumulation and sexual restraint of the hens. (Lay stop)
In cocks, sterility occurs with a reduction of the testes.
The parathyroid gland is located just below the thyroid gland.
They are four tiny separate glands but vital for several processes involving our racing pigeons.
It mainly concerns the calcium and vitamin D balance in combination with UV light and the regulation of the mineralisation of the bones with calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium at the level of the intestine.
Due to its ability to produce a mini electric current (microvolt), calcium is crucial for the "inflammation" of muscle contraction.
Many people think that a "bone", once formed, remains the same and unchangeable even many years after death.
Nothing could be less accurate.
Throughout the bones, there is a constant supply and discharge of mineral material (calcium and phosphorus).
Bones are constantly accruing and breaking down in a balanced way to ensure average skeletal strength and sturdiness.
(Calcium homeostasis)
From this, we can immediately deduce that artificial darkening temporarily throws the calcium balance out of balance.
The parathyroid gland reacts by going into overdrive (hypertrophy) because there is too little calcium and vitamin D in the blood.
We can rectify that afterwards, but during the competition, it is advisable to supplement with calcium and vitamin D already during this drastic, provoked metabolic change.
To this end, we have included Miobol in our flight schedules to provide an appropriate dose of these elements.
Today we learned how glands work in a complex and interactive way.
So it's a whole exchange of stimulation and feedback.
It is not wise to mess with the crucial vitamin D-generating daylight and randomly add or omit all kinds of things.
Miobol was developed with this in mind.
• It contains a dose of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D(*) adapted to the flight season to maintain the moulting effect without disrupting the metabolism.
• Its fat content provides a strong supply of energy in preparation for a performance and recovery after the return.
• Also, during the breeding season for good development of the youngsters and at the same time for maintaining the parents' condition.
(*) Combining various products can lead to an overdose of vitamin D, and the bones can become weak and deformed by dissolving the calcium again.
For each animal species, there are maximum doses that can be supplemented.
We advise you to stick to a balanced range such as COMED.