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Birds Breeding
Lisocur+ is a complete care. It is a water-soluble total replenishment of almost 40 constituents, required according to the latest scientific guidelines. In addition, it contains vegetal substances that play an important role in the defence against disease.
If you're looking for absolute simplicity, just Lisocur+ could suffice. However, we recommend as a basis during the entire breeding period to administer Miobol over the eggfood that causes rapid growth, the development of muscles and bones and what’s noticed earlier weaning (Later on, Miobol is also a very good preparation remedy for the exhibitions, ...)
May I combine the products from two periods?
Yes, keep in mind that if you combine Lisocur+ and Winmix (recommended together with Curol in the moulting and exhibition period) that you administer just half a dose of each.
Apart from these basic products, is there anything else that makes sense?
That's right, Roni. This is useful both during breeding and preparations for the exhibitions and during moulting, when there is a need for protein and calcium rich feed. These two are very necessary nutrients, however, have the disadvantage of neutralizing the protecting intestinal acid against germs. In other words, through feeding what's needed, we're opening the door to infections at the same time.
Roni is a very useful water-soluble supplement in that respect. It ensures that the intestine retains the acid always on site by means of 4 probiotic germs, so that the disadvantages of sport and breeding mixture, as well as the grit, are abolished. (it is better to give a lower dose daily, e.g. 1/3, instead of twice a week).
What else is possible ?
Fertibol: During the entire breeding period there is a need for a lot of calcium. As mentioned above, calcium neutralizes the protective acid in the intestine. Fertibol is a rich and acidic source of calcium and is therefore highly recommended during breeding.
Does extra energy need to be supplied?
Megabactol provides the necessary energy. This oil contains essential natural oils with stimulating and blood-purifying properties. In case of problems Megabactol can be replaced by Curol. (defence against disease).
Most fanciers prefer to disperse all products, except Clean Oral, over the eggfood. If desired, Lisocur+ and Roni can be added to the drinking water
It is recommended to administer the indicated dosage on the packaging, permanently. It is better to take half a dose daily instead of every 2 days. During the resting and transitional periods, these supplements can also be administered at half dosage.